Sadly, many individuals don’t realize the compounding effects of their lifestyle choices until it’s too late. Years and years of a bad lifestyle can really take a toll on one’s health. This also is demonstrated to me by the huge numbers of people who read a blog post I wrote many years ago aptly named ‘What is a healthy lifestyle?’

We are living at a time of massive misinformation, and so many people get confused and end up making the wrong choices. Yet in our discussions it’s obvious they are totally confused about what a healthy lifestyle consists of. That is why health products and advice are a huge market. Most people want to be healthy and I don’t know anyone who wants to experience chronic illness. I speak with people every day who truly want to live a healthy lifestyle. So what are the most important healthy lifestyle habits we need to adopt? Although both these are important there are other factors that are essential to include. A healthy lifestyle is far more than eating a healthy nutritious diet and exercising for at least 30 minutes every day. By embracing a healthy lifestyle the risk of contracting these diseases can be greatly reduced.Ī huge problem seems to be that very few of you really know what to do to have a healthy lifestyle. It is an undeniable fact that poor lifestyle habits play a big part in these illnesses occurring. Many life-threatening diseases – including heart disease, emphysema, strokes, and certain forms of cancer are all linked to lifestyle factors and can be avoided by adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

This is surely one of the most important decisions we get to make in our lifetime.
Everyday decisions for healthier living free#
Free to live life in the style we choose, eating what we want, doing what we want, and taking care of ourselves the way we want. Most of us have totally freedom to decide the type of lifestyle we have and the healthy lifestyle habits we will adopt. Do you know the 5 most important healthy lifestyle habits which can change your life? There can be very few questions more important to answer then ‘how healthy is your lifestyle?’ Is your lifestyle making you ill? Is the way you live supporting your physical, mental, and emotional health, or are you damaging yourself?